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Near 135 Ethel Road, Leicester, LE5 5WB

Leicester - Spinney Hills Ward


Overgrown shrubs on public footpath has become a haven for vermin. There's a large family of rats living in the bushes and they regularly come out to feed. It's right outside the school entrance and children walk past it regularly. There's dead rats also which can easily spread diseases. Ideally if the overgrown shrub was removed it will eradicate their home


12/03/2025 12:24
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Overgrown grass or shrubs
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This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible.
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-135 Ethel Road, Leicester, LE5 5WB 12/03/2025 12:38 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Clean Streets. You’re making a real difference.

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This light was fixed a few months ago, but it seems something is wrong with it again. It's almost 2am and there's no light on the Street. it is very dark during the night which can be dangerous.-2 Church Road, Aylestone, Leicester, LE2 8LB
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13/03/2025 02:09 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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People dumping Waste on this road -Unit 9 Charnwood Industrial Units, 19 Vulcan Road, Leicester, LE5 3EA
12/03/2025 22:59 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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Street lighting keeps flickering causing issues sleeping and not good for people who have epilepsy. Please note picture provided may look like the light is working however it is difficult to take a picture of flickering light -283 Green Lane Road, Leicester, LE5 4NF
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12/03/2025 22:01 Street lighting keeps flickering causing issues sleeping and not good for people who have epilepsy. Please note picture provided may look like the light is working however it is difficult to take a picture of flickering light
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Street light flashing. In front of school. Not safe. 3 different street lights not working along whole road. -Rushey Mead Academy, Melton Road, Leicester, LE4 7AN
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12/03/2025 21:33 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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Street light not working. Flashing light. Been 3+ months. Not safe. -381 Melton Road, Leicester, LE4 7PA
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12/03/2025 21:32 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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Faulty flashing street light. Not safe for school children. -Allotments Or Community Growing Spaces
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12/03/2025 21:30 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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Not working on a busy road. -Jesse Jackson Park
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12/03/2025 21:28 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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Streetlight 23 blinking on and off -The Watershed
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12/03/2025 19:59 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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Street light at the back entrance of highfields community centre is still out of light it's still not working street light in darkness not working at all it was fix couple of times but unfortunately the street light is still not working -Strret light back of highfields community centre
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12/03/2025 19:28 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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Road fencing construction barriers-24 Elgin Avenue, Leicester, LE3 9PN
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12/03/2025 15:39 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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Broken glass has been thrown inside of my driveway, fly tipping still happening at my front garden. Dog litters are still being thrown on the street and around the corner of my house. Please do something about this...-66 Wiltshire Road, Leicester, LE4 0JT
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12/03/2025 15:32 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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B&M trolly. Tried to report through Trolly Wise but they won’t take the report. -171 Letchworth Road, Leicester, LE3 6QL
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12/03/2025 15:31 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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See photo-36 Vernon Street, Leicester, LE3 5JQ
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12/03/2025 14:22 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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There is a dead black cat by the entrance of the Rowlatts Hill Allotment.-61 Broad Avenue, Leicester, LE5 4PT
12/03/2025 14:11 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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Large pieces of furniture dumped by local resident.-28 Wolsey Island Way
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12/03/2025 14:07 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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Opposite 72 Ambleside Drive-70 Ambleside Drive, Leicester, LE2 9LD
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12/03/2025 14:00 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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Cache of used needles. Enter roadside shrubbery from end of Erskine St. Follow dirt track for 20 metres. Look for large pebble with splash of mortar by side of track.  Behind this by the fence is a low stack of bricks.  The needles are under these bricks.-Erskine Street, Leicester
 In Progress
12/03/2025 14:00 Cache of used needles. Enter roadside shrubbery from end of Erskine St. Follow dirt track for 20 metres. Look for large pebble with splash of mortar by side of track. Behind this by the fence is a low stack of bricks. The needles are under these bricks.
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Bin is overflowing and needs empty -38 Sutton Avenue, Leicester, LE4 6RW
12/03/2025 13:50 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Clean Streets. You’re making a real difference.
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This is the path that runs along the front of the Co-op carpark.  It had overgrown the path by 2-3 feet. It restricts the path and traps a lot of litter from the Co-op.
There are no nests in there. -Playing Field
12/03/2025 13:04 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Clean Streets. You’re making a real difference.
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Overgrown shrubs on public footpath has become a haven for vermin. There's a large family of rats living in the bushes and they regularly come out to feed. It's right outside the school entrance and children walk past it regularly. There's dead rats also which can easily spread diseases. Ideally if the overgrown shrub was removed it will eradicate their home-135 Ethel Road, Leicester, LE5 5WB
 In Progress
12/03/2025 12:24 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Clean Streets. You’re making a real difference.
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