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Near 44 Osprey Road, Leicester, LE4 1BQ

Leicester - Beaumont Leys Ward


path off Astill Lodge Road, near Ipswich close.


20/07/2023 15:23
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Abandoned trolley
Yes On 25/07/2023 09:52
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This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible.

Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.-44 Osprey Road, Leicester, LE4 1BQ 20/07/2023 15:30 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
We’ve closed this case. Unfortunately we were not able to locate the problem. If you have information that might lead to a better resolution please get in touch with us.

Thank you for using Love Leicester.
-44 Osprey Road, Leicester, LE4 1BQ 25/07/2023 09:52 We’ve closed this case. Unfortunately we were not able to locate the problem. If you have information that might lead to a better resolution please get in touch with us.

Thank you for using Love Leicester.

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(date format: dd/mm/yyyy)
The cover is off the lamp post -33 Elston Fields, Leicester, LE2 6NJ
28/03/2025 15:22 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Clean Streets. You’re making a real difference.
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Another tent has appeared on the entranced to the rally park on fosse road north! It appears to be two men in them - please can this be addressed as a priority due to the vulnerability of the people in the tents and around the area?! -The Rally Community Park
 Report Completed
28/03/2025 13:28 Thank you for using Love Clean Streets. Following the appropriate officer’s response your enquiry has now been closed. Together, we’re making a real difference. Thank you.
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Completely bent road sign. Barrier also damaged. Needs replacing. -St Augustine Road, Leicester
 Report Completed
28/03/2025 11:57 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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Environmental issues - Litter-110 Grace Road, Leicester, LE2 8AZ
 In Progress
28/03/2025 10:54 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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Collected litter from Grange Spinney. Heavy bags .-1 Autumn Road, Leicester, LE2 9GL
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28/03/2025 10:44 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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Environmental issues - Litter-Saffron Eyecare, 441 Saffron Lane, Leicester, LE2 6UG
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28/03/2025 10:44 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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A mess-242 Sturdee Road, Leicester, LE2 9DB
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28/03/2025 10:43 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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Bins are constantly left out on street. Today is Friday 28th March and I bins were emptied on Wednesday 26th March, the residents never take their bins back in. Also this carpet has been left here for weeks. I am sick of seeing the constant rubbish being dumped here and bins taking over the pacement-Flat, 2 Constance Road, Leicester, LE5 5DB
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28/03/2025 10:15 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Clean Streets. You’re making a real difference.
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Safety fence at pedestrian light crossing has been demolished.-293 Sturdee Road, Leicester, LE2 9FZ
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28/03/2025 10:04 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Clean Streets .You’re making a real difference.
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Again, residents leaving rubbish on the pavement. This was not taken today, bin day, and has now been left lying across the pavement. Please address this with residents directly as soon as possible.-22 Oakthorpe Avenue, Leicester, LE3 0UQ
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28/03/2025 09:59 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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Stationary commercial vehicle that has not moved in 10 days, and not usually seen parked in area.
Fuel cap open, and I initially large pool of fluid under vehicle.-129 Dorchester Road, Leicester, LE3 0UJ
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28/03/2025 09:54 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Clean Streets. You’re making a real difference.
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Environmental issues - Fly-tipping-134 Knighton Fields Road West, Leicester, LE2 6LG
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28/03/2025 09:52 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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Mattress, drawers-97 Grange Drive, Leicester, LE2 9PJ
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28/03/2025 09:49 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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Location- In the wooded area at the far end of the playing fields, near to where the camp had been built.
My previous report of this has been closed as’Completed’.  The tyre and mesh fencing that I left on the edge of the woods has gone but all of this really needs removing, as the youngsters are now taking it and lobbing it elsewhere! -Play Space
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28/03/2025 09:45 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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Bollard has been knocked over and is lying in the street opposite 16 Danehurst Avenue. It is a trip hazard -Danehurst Avenue
 Report Completed
28/03/2025 09:28 We’ve investigated the situation. An Order has been made to repair the defect and the case has been closed. Thank you for using Love Clean Streets. You’re making a real difference.
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Hedges overgrown, covering road sign and growing over cycle lane and into the road.-Braunstone Way, Leicester
 Report Completed
28/03/2025 09:22 Thank you for using Love Clean Streets. Following the appropriate officer’s response your enquiry has now been closed. Together, we’re making a real difference. Thank you.
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Rubbish left out by neighbours unknown.
Clothing and pictures in frames -8 Peppercorn Close, Leicester, LE4 0SH
 In Progress
28/03/2025 09:21 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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Human waste under the bridge -35R, Western Boulevard, Leicester, LE2 7HN
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28/03/2025 09:19 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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Piled up-Victoria Park
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28/03/2025 09:19 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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Rubbish left out on street and alcoholic bottle placed on top-13B, Barker Street, Leicester, LE5 3LF
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28/03/2025 08:45 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
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